Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Tomato Thief

We have lots of grey squirrels in our woods here and even more Chipmunks. But we only have the two red squirrels that I see regularly. And today was the first time I managed to get a photo and that only with my phone as I went to check the veggies. Where this miscreant was making off with a tomato.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Moth With A Mohawk

A Large Tolype (Tolype velleda) found on the porch this morning. Quite the spectacular coiffure.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Never Catching Up

These three are Autumn Meadowhawks female and male.

The Black-shouldered Spinyleg.

Canadian Darner male.

Fields of sunflowers stretching acre after acre in Arooostock county.

A Pennsylvania Leatherwing.

The White Admiral 

Common Ringlet.

Clouded Sulphur

And , of course, Puffins off the coast near Milbridge